Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New E-books

We recently added a number of new e-books to the UI&U Library collection. These books can be accessed from the catalog using a browse title search (exclude the subtitle).

We hope you enjoy reading them!


Birth stories: Mystery, power, and creation
Childbirth across cultures: Ideas and practices of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum
Who owns native culture?

Criminal Justice
Introduction to forensic psychology
Profiling and criminal justice in America: A reference handbook

Early Childhood Studies & Maternal Child Health
Birth stories: Mystery, power, and creation
Childbirth across cultures: Ideas and practices of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum
Community health approach to the assessment of infants and their parents
Evidence-based practice in infant and early childhood psychology
Human growth and development
Interpersonal world of the infant
Mothering special needs
Newborn as person
Wiley-Blackwell handbook of infant development: Applied and policy issues
Wiley-Blackwell handbook of infant development: Basic research

Adolescents and risk
Assessment in the classroom: Constructing and interpreting texts
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Empowering children: Children's rights education as a pathway to citizenship
Death and life of great American school system
Educational psychology
Learning to teach in an age of accountability
Menopause: A mental health practitioner's guide
Preventing violence in schools
Psychoeducational groups: Process and practice
Taking charge of ADHD: The complete, authoritative guide for parents
Unequal by design: High-stakes testing and the standardization of inequality
Universities in the marketplace: The commercialization of higher education
Teaching history for the common good

Health & Wellness
Handbook of African American health
Handbook of theories of aging
Human growth and development
Interpersonal world of the infant
Social perspectives on death and dying
Dementia: Metamorphosis in care
Taking charge of ADHD
Taking charge of adult ADHD

History & Culture
Black studies reader
Thin Places: A pilgrimage home
Who owns native culture?
Indigenous methodologies
New Keywords: A revised vocabulary of culture and society

Leadership & Public Policy
To give their gifts: Health, community, and democracy
Black studies reader
Empowering children: Children's rights education as a pathway to citizenship
Indigenous methodologies
Mind-set management: The heart of leadership

Mind-set management: The heart of leadership
Resolving human-wildlife conflicts: The science of wildlife damage management

Handbook of cognitive-behavior group therapy with children and adolescents
Handbook of the psychology of aging
Psychoeducational groups
Educational psychology
Taking charge of adult ADHD
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Cognitive-behavioral strategies in crisis intervention
Crisis intervention and crisis management
Ethics in psychotherapy and counseling: A practical guide
Acting-in: Practical applications of psychodramatic methods
Evidence-based practice in infant and early childhood psychology
Introduction to forensic psychology
Quantitative psychological research
Therapeutic communication: Knowing what to say when
Taking charge of ADHD
Treating families and children in the child protective system
Violence assessment and intervention

Reference & Research
Essentials of statistics for the social and behavioral sciences
Indigenous methodologies: Characteristics, conversations, and contexts
New Keywords: a revised vocabulary of culture and society
Principles and methods of social research
Quantitative psychological research: The complete student's companion

Social Work
Adulthood and aging: Research on continuities and discontinuities
Adolescents and risk: Behaviors, functions, and protective factors
Community health approach to the assessment of infants and their parents: The CARE program
Handbook of African American health
Handbook of theories of aging
Handbook of the psychology of aging
Newborn as person: Enabling healthy infant development worldwide
Social perspectives on death and dying
Dementia: Metamorphosis in care
Taking charge of adult ADHD
Treating families and children in the child protective system
Violence assessment and intervention

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